Run SpinRite on Librem 5 Internal Storage
I have a Purism Librem 5 Linux phone. The Evergreen batch has 32 GiB of flash storage. In this post I will show how to run SpinRite on that drive.
Updating My Cisco 4321 Router's IOS over HTTP, FTP and TFTP and More
I recently got my hands on a second-hand Cisco 4321 router. First things first, I want to upgrade to the latest IOS version so I have the latest security patches. Having no experience at all with IOS, these are some things I learned along the way.
Check OCSP With OpenSSL CLI Tool
How to query an OCSP responder to check the validity of a certificate?
Open a ZIP File With Any Extension In Vim
What to do when you use Vim to open a zip file, but the file extension is not
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or one of the other extensions known to Vim’s zip plugin? -
Build Kotlin JMH Benchmarks With Maven
In this post, we will look at how to set up the Maven infrastructure so we can benchmark Kotlin code with JMH (the Java Microbenchmarking Harness).
Migrate Nextcloud PostgreSQL 11 to 17 in a Docker Container
This post looks at how to migrate a Postgres Docker image to a newer version. I will dump all databases contained in a container and migrate them all into a new container. The process outlined works for any Postgres container, but I discuss it in the context of my Nextcloud setup.
How to Create a Shared Git Repo
In this post we will take a look at how to set up a shared Git repository. The goal is to have multiple different users be able to push to and pull from this repository. Security is provided by using Unix users and groups.
Docker Volume Permissions: Mismatch Between Host UID and Container UID
When you have a Docker container with a user that has a different UID from the one on your host, mounting a volume and accessing the files can result in permission issues.
Postgres Data Types, Sizes and Alignment
How much storage does a single row in a Postgres table take?
Remove All CAs From Linux Trust Store
On Security Now! podcast #951, Steve told us that 7 organizations in the PKI are responsible for minting upwards of 99% of all existing certificates. (Possible original source.)
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