Grokking Time Zones in Oracle's DATE and TIMESTAMP
This post talks a little bit about
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in Oracle and some of their pitfalls. TL;DR: Representing dates and timestamps correctly is a very hard problem (required viewing). -
Oracle Sqlplus Cheat Sheet
In this post, I’m going to aggregate all those Oracle commands that I can never remember but are very useful to have somewhere written down.
Mariadb/Mysql Password Exposure in Bash
How can we securely provide a password to
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without exposing it to the world by just putting it directly in the command? -
Whats the Difference Between a Login and a Non-Login Shell?
I always kind of knew there was a difference between login and non-login shells, but when I couldn’t explain the difference properly to a coworker, I knew I needed to spend some time on figuring it out.
Encrypt Device With Veracrypt From the Command Line
You have a drive that you want to encrypt and use in Linux and other OSes. Then Veracrypt, the successor of Truecrypt, is a good choice. In this tutorial, I will show you how to quickly encrypt a drive and mount and unmount it from the command line.
Make Less Options Permanent or the Missing Lessrc
Let’s have a look at how we can make certain
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preferences permanent, like-I
, for example, which will make search case insensitive. -
Make a Backup With Rsync
We want to make a backup of data, for example to an external hard drive. Rsync to the rescue.
Partition and Format Drive With NTFS
Say we bought an external hard drive to back up some stuff from a crashed computer. We can use a Live USB to get at the data and put the data on the external hard drive. Because the data needs to be accessible by Windows, we are going to use format the drive with NTFS.
Create Arch Linux Live USB
Creating a Arch Linux live USB is easy. In this post, I will walk you through downloading and verifying the image, finding your USB drive and copying the image onto it, all from the convenience of the command line.
Spring Basics Conditional Bean Wiring
In Spring, it’s possible to wire a bean only when some condition is met.
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