Relentless Coding

A Developer’s Blog

Make Less Options Permanent or the Missing Lessrc

Let’s have a look at how we can make certain less preferences permanent, like -I, for example, which will make search case insensitive.

The missing $HOME/.lessrc

In GNU/Linux, preferences are often stored in rc files. For vim we have .vimrc, for Bash .bashrc, etc:

$ find "$HOME" -maxdepth 1 -name '*rc'

Environment variable LESS

So, it would make sense to expect a .lessrc. But there is none. Instead, we define a environment variable LESS. My .bashrc:

export LESS="IFRSX"


  • -I: ignore case when searching
  • -F: quit immediately when the entire file fits in one screen (in effect, mimic cat’s behavior)
  • -R: enable colored output (for example, when piping to less from diff --color=always)
  • -S: truncate long lines instead of wrapping them to the next line
  • -X: don’t clear screen on exit

See man 1 less for all options.